Chapman Court location in Merimbula
Arial view of Merimbula and Chapman Court position.

Solarheated swimming pool at Chapman Court

3.5 stars ratingCentral and quiet location Chapman Court Merimbula apartments

Chapman Court Merimbula holiday apartments is situated on the Fishpen peninsular. A perfect location between the ocean and the Merimbula Lake. You can walk to everything from Chapman Court. The Merimbula Airport is just a 3 minutes drive.

Chapman Court Merimbula locationMap button

7 hours from Melbourne
6 hours from Sydney
3 hours from Canberra
2 hours from the Snowy Mountains

Accessible by air lines and bus from Melbourne and Sydney.

Bar Beach at MerimbulaCrab logo


Holiday accommodation in Merimbula Book Now


Chapman Court Merimbula Holiday Apartments
3 Chapman Avenue Merimbula NSW 2548
Phone 02 - 6495 1780
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